Books by Bill & Mary Burnham. Click cover to order on Amazon

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Early Booking Discount on Florida Keys & Everglades Kayaking

Book a trip by Sept. 1, 2012 and receive 10% off any of Burnham Guides' Florida Keys kayak camping trips November through April, or the Everglades and Ten Thousand Islands in February.

Email for more info or call 305-240-0650 to reserve your seat paddling in paradise. Then Share or Forward this offer to friends you want to join you!

We still have room left on the following trips--Visit our Trip Calendar for more dates!

-3-day Flamingo Loop: Feb. 3-5, 2013
-5-day Everglades City: Feb. 22-26, 2013
-8-day 100-mile Wilderness Waterway: Feb. 10-17, 2013. space is limited

Ten Thousand Islands: 3 to 5 day trips offered throughout February, 2013

Florida Keys:
Trips begin mid-November, 2012 through April, 2013

-5th annual Key Largo to Key West, 100-mile paddle: March 17-27, 2013. Offered just once a year, so space is limited!

-Easter Week Florida Keys Paddling: April 1-5, 2013. Just 4 spots left

Mary & Bill, Burnham Guides
Paddle with the Authors of:
"The Florida Keys Paddling Atlas" & "Kayaking for Everyone"

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