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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Paddling Perks

Burnham Guides' Florida Keys winter trips include all the basics for a multi-day paddling adventure: kayaks, gear, camping gear, all food and water, and even the toilet!

Christine, Licensed Massage Therapist
But in addition to necessities, we like to provide little treats and luxuries at the end of the paddling day. As soon as our boats hit the sand, we are pulling out the appetizers for an al fresco spread.

You work pretty hard on our 100-mile Key Largo to Key West trip, so we schedule in a rest day with optional massages in camp!

We like to eat well in the outdoors and figure you do to. People often ask, don't we have to resort to pre-packaged, dried food on our multi-day trips in the backcountry. The answer is a resounding NO!

Apps on the Beach
Over nearly 20 years backpacking and kayak camping ourselves, we've learned some tricks of the trade for bringing the freshest food possible. The first night of a trip usually features some fresh Florida seafood, like mahi mahi or flounder, sauteed or in a taco with lots of key lime juice and cilantro.

Fresh vegetables and fruit that travel well are always available. We might have some pre-cooked Stone Crab along the way, or even Florida lobster, if we can get it.

That said, we don't eat seafood all the time. There's chicken, meat and tofu meals and we can accommodate vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free diets as long as you let us know ahead of time.

Coffee lovers will not have to do without. We get it brewing before you get out of your tent. Mary is known for her camp coffee, and may offer your choice of drip, espresso, or even Cuban coffee (cafe con leche), her personal favorite.

Enjoying a Florida Stone Crab spread in the woods!
But an unbiased customer review probably means way more than anything we say here. So check out Wendy's blog from last year's trip, where she describes the menu so much better than we can!

For trip details, go to

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